Sunday, 21 November 2010

Inspiration for our film

After deciding on the spooky, out of this world theme for our film it was time to get some ideas of what we wanted to do with ours that would look really good with the small budget that we have. In our group we discussed some similar films that we had seen which show the same sort of affect that we want for ours and 'now and then' came up. We really wanted to do a thing where similar to 'now and then' where you can see from about 1:40 of this clip the circle where the girls are trying to get in contact with the dead. We really like the shot above their heads looking down on the circle like someones watching down on them and therefore we wanted to do a similar thing. 

Another thing that also works with this scene is the mise-en-scene in the typical graveyard setting and although this film isn't an 'on the edge of your seat movie' as it's showing the story of their summer at a young age. I think you would have to have pretty thick skin to not be a bit freaked out with them as they run out of the graveyard not knowing what's going to happen with them.

After talking about ways we could do this, we ending up deciding that it would be a bit too much to put into 2minutes of footage that would make the story easy to follow and that we would be cramming too much in. However I don't feel it a waste of time and that it was defiantly worth doing as it really got our minds rolling at the beginning and we came up with many other, but similar ideas from it.

Although I can't find a clip on the internet of it, we also talked about the opening of one of the Harry Potter films where we as the audience are wizzed around the buildings and roads that Harry lives. We find out later that we were seeing in the eyes behind one of the characters however  it works really well as a establishing shot and expectations of the film as you know that your going to have an magical couple of hours ahead.

We really liked this idea and therefore have decided to use it for ours however we won't be able to have the camera fly across the sky so we're going to start it from the front gate and go into the house, up the stairs then in to the room where the action is set. throughout this the mise-en-scene will be your basic family house, maybe a bit messy to set the scene that for the girls, it's not particular day.

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