Sunday, 13 March 2011



 One of the questions that I did in our evaluation that we did as a group was the institutions one. Above is the cue cards that I have prepared for myself so that when I present to the class tomorrow, it should be quite a smooth presentation.  

Final, finished piece for AS level

After spending months and months trying to decide what to do for our main piece, then having problem after problem with the ideas/ technology, this right here is what we have decided to submit for our final piece. We spent a very long time in the editing process getting the shots, colours, titles and sounds right and finally once we had put it all together, this is it. Enjoy.... :)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A name to the film

After spending all our time producing/editing the film we had never thought in dept about what to call it until it came to adding the titles. After discussing a lot of names and how we want to get it across to the audience we have come up with 'Love Cry'. We feel that this has the dramatic affect that we really needed and also shows the emotions that will come with us. So people of Britain, keep an eye out for 'Love Cry' on your screens this summer...

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

First draft

Today, we presented this first draft to our media class to get their feedback positive and constructive critesiam for things we could change. Of course, this version that you can see above isn't that close to being finished as in this one we haven't fitted music, are missing some footage due to technical issues and so the plot isn't as clear as we hope to have by the end.This was the main negatives that the class picked out which we already had bared in our minds before we presented it anyway.

We received a lot of positives on our choice of shot types, the bright colours and our use of slow mo/speed up seemed to be a highlight of every ones watch.

After getting this feedback, we went back to our group and discussed it and we know that we still have a bit more editing with things like titles, music and the final scene so we've set a date in the near future for that to be done so soon we should hopefully have a finished piece :) 

Monday, 7 February 2011

How editing is going

Since we have started to edit our film things seem to be going really well. We have cut all our footage down to the best shots we had (over 20 minutes of footage) and we're getting closer and closer to seeing what the final version will look like. Tomorrow we will show are draft film to the class for any feedback that we can get to help us improve it even more. We're currently focusing alot about the sound track as we have tried many already and get a different vibe from what each diffferent one gives out so we're going to have to make sure we get this perfect for our final piece.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Who protects the public?

With use of relevant, recent examples from the press, explore to what extent newspapers exercise power without responsibility.

The media is something that we are hit apon in many different ways throughout the day that can be presented in the format of posters, television and newspapers. The media that is presented in this newspaper style carry a huge inpact on anyone that comes across it and from broadsheets to tabloid shows that it's not a matter of cost that will effect them from buying a paper. There is something called the 'data protection act' which states that the public should be protected in a way which means that personal information shouldn't be given out and certain things should be made private and if members of the public feel that this has effected them in a way, the paper has to publically apologise in an obvious place in the paper otherwise they have the possibility of being sued.

In recent news, the ‘Joanna Yates’ case has come up quite a bit due to how big all media sources have made it. Alot of other people have been murdered during this last month however the public are made to feel that they have a sort of attachment with this particular story and the papers are demonstrating what happened to the young girl in a number of ways. For example the tabloids are alot more occlusive with what there saying happened going straight to convict the first man questioned by the police. They use alot more of a casual way about it referring to her as ‘Jo’ as if they  know her in person. Then there’s the broadsheet, they come about it in a completly different way by referring to her by her full name and would have headlines like ‘man being questioned for Joanna’s death’- alot more polite and not as near so accusing.  

If the articles try and twist the truth to what is going on with the case, for example if they make up lies about it being Joanna’s boyfriend who is the murderer then in theory he has the right to complain and maybe even sue to clear his name as its not right for them to go around offending the innocent public.

Newspapers in general have to really be careful with the things that they print as in theory and with the help of modern technology, these articles that they produce can talked about worldwide. Therefore if this power is neglected then it’s quite possible to full peoples heads with false information that can badly influence a strong opinion on a certain matter and once it has been put out there to the world, it’s very hard to take it back even with many articles of apologies.

The most touchy and careful topics that the press have to be aware of are things that involve things like religion, race and politics. Part of the  data protection act states that the press should not mention these personal things like colour of a person skin as it will swing peoples views on the subject and although all papers are known for being slightly biased to a certain extent, its wrong for a paper to actually put these fresh ideas into their heads.

Overall I think that the public aren’t protected as much as they should be as I feel that sometime we’re shown to much to what is nessercery as when pictures are produced about these sick murders and violence I don’t think its right that we should have to look at them. Although i understand it’s important to not be too naive of the world however I think theres some things that shouldn’t be shared.   

Monday, 24 January 2011

Screen shots from our first edit

After uploading all our footage we began to think more in deaph about how effect our shots are and to check that we are useing a big enough range of views in our film. Currently we are no where neer our final piece as we only uploaded it today but we spent some time picking out the bits that we thought looked good and worked well along with eachother and so took some screen shots of our favourite bits which i will now post below.

These two screen shots above shows the camera slowly spinning round and looking up at the sky with the sun sneeking through the leaves in the trees. This is what are main character (Rose) would be seeing.
 To help with the continuety of this idea, we have a looking down shot at Rose which may well connotate ideas about her being just another human being in the world, looking small and vunderalbul with all the colourful leaves around her.
This shot is a long, establishing one that shows Rose in this tree then she will jump down where the camera will swap views. It's important to notice the thought out mise-en-scene with the beautiful leaves around her showing that its not quite summer anymore, however still warm enough for her to be wearing a dress. There are also lots of trees in the background along with all the other natural things around to demostrate that there is nothing man made in this universe she's living in.

 This is the shot after where she has just jumped from the tree to where we have the link to her begining her adventure.

 These two above shots is us fiddiling about with the editing and colours that we may want to play around with to get the right effect. Because this is all a dream it's not like realitiy, it can be anything where anything can happen. By making some clips a very bright and vived colour makes this being what the girl thinks about- a colourful and pretty environment to be living in.

 From what i have written above, from putting the footage now in to the black and white effect now shows a huge contrast from before, it could be showing the change of mood. Also the close up of the teddy in this second shot symbolises how important it is to the film.
 Rose is happy, shes found the teddy.
 This up close shot represents this happyness and really highlights wha t shes feeling with her big smile and eyes shut in a dream like way.
 This is Rose running- here towards the camera with the camera attached to her hand because she loves it so much and can't let go

 This is her again, this time the camera is behind her and sees her running into the distance representing her freedom and indepence. These shots will link too and fro to get the best affect of her running really quickly.

They are the shots i'm going to talk about today however like i said we still have alot more footage to go to so we may end cutting some of the above and adding different bits however i do deffiently attend to add any new shots via screen shots and annotate them in the near future.