With use of relevant, recent examples from the press, explore to what extent newspapers exercise power without responsibility.
The media is something that we are hit apon in many different ways throughout the day that can be presented in the format of posters, television and newspapers. The media that is presented in this newspaper style carry a huge inpact on anyone that comes across it and from broadsheets to tabloid shows that it's not a matter of cost that will effect them from buying a paper. There is something called the 'data protection act' which states that the public should be protected in a way which means that personal information shouldn't be given out and certain things should be made private and if members of the public feel that this has effected them in a way, the paper has to publically apologise in an obvious place in the paper otherwise they have the possibility of being sued.
In recent news, the ‘Joanna Yates’ case has come up quite a bit due to how big all media sources have made it. Alot of other people have been murdered during this last month however the public are made to feel that they have a sort of attachment with this particular story and the papers are demonstrating what happened to the young girl in a number of ways. For example the tabloids are alot more occlusive with what there saying happened going straight to convict the first man questioned by the police. They use alot more of a casual way about it referring to her as ‘Jo’ as if they know her in person. Then there’s the broadsheet, they come about it in a completly different way by referring to her by her full name and would have headlines like ‘man being questioned for Joanna’s death’- alot more polite and not as near so accusing.
If the articles try and twist the truth to what is going on with the case, for example if they make up lies about it being Joanna’s boyfriend who is the murderer then in theory he has the right to complain and maybe even sue to clear his name as its not right for them to go around offending the innocent public.
Newspapers in general have to really be careful with the things that they print as in theory and with the help of modern technology, these articles that they produce can talked about worldwide. Therefore if this power is neglected then it’s quite possible to full peoples heads with false information that can badly influence a strong opinion on a certain matter and once it has been put out there to the world, it’s very hard to take it back even with many articles of apologies.
The most touchy and careful topics that the press have to be aware of are things that involve things like religion, race and politics. Part of the data protection act states that the press should not mention these personal things like colour of a person skin as it will swing peoples views on the subject and although all papers are known for being slightly biased to a certain extent, its wrong for a paper to actually put these fresh ideas into their heads.
Overall I think that the public aren’t protected as much as they should be as I feel that sometime we’re shown to much to what is nessercery as when pictures are produced about these sick murders and violence I don’t think its right that we should have to look at them. Although i understand it’s important to not be too naive of the world however I think theres some things that shouldn’t be shared.
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