Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Analysing a TV opening

TV drama: Nearly Famous


After looking in to a film opening, i now have looked at a TV one. Like before, I have taken print screens of what I can get out of the camera movements, but also will be adding notes about the sound, mise-en-scene and any anchorage I notice.

 This is the first and the establishing shot that we see on the screen is this. As you can see the room is shadowy with little natural light and on the far left we can see a character looking round suggesting that the room he's sitting down in is as new to him as it is to us. The music also starts right at the beginging which stays the same during the entire opening. A relaxing acoustic sound is used with some lyrics.
 The camera movement, still in the same take, then moves around so we can see a better image of this character. The light shining down on him could be suggesting he's going to be important compared to the darkness of the rest of the room.
A pan shot is then done, showing us people arriving into the scene. These are wearing a lot more brighter colours and pattern filled outfit witch connotes that their happy because of the bright colours contrasting with the black and that their all stylish and young.

 The pan shot then goes back to the charter we see at the opening shot, he has now put his hood up suggesting that he doesn't want to be noticed and we can see that he's being anti-social by not talking to anyone unlink that two girls either side to him who have their back to him and in conversation with others.

 The music is then turned down slightly, however we can still here it faintly and we start to hear this man talk. The way they gave us a straight up close up could represent his importance and sturdyness towards the others that automatically puts him on the top of the hierarchy. The light that we see in the background could also help represent this, but also a way of thinking he's something from god. That this man we see is the only hope to get though the year.
 A montage is used to flick over to see a girl running through what we assume from the mise-en-scene of garden benches and big buildings is a school environment. The man is still talking as we see the girl on screen
 From here, a close up of dropped books. We know she's in a hurry and again this helps with the setting of a school for us to take in.
 We flick back to the man where we see a full body shot and its a point of view shot from one of the pupils due to the circle he has around himself. The spot light is still directed on him and his hand gesture states his authority.
 Back to the montage, as the girl is running though the building i noticed the difference to the room that the others are sat in. The colours outside are far more natural and bright with the people doing far more active things. Like this shot above, the dancers have the freedom to move around the room and express themself compared to the others sat in the dark being given a lecture.
The final shot to the opening; when the two montages meet. As the girl breaks open the door the light comes glaring though as if she's coming from another word where everything's different. We can see the close up of the man as he finishes his speech, and the girl in the background looking a bit lost and confused.

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